#excavando2010 :: Voluntarios para excavación en Alvaiázere (Portugal), del 6 de julio al 28 de septiembre de 2010.

28 Jan 2010 3 min read No comments Blog

1.    Director of Excavations
Name: Alexandra Figueiredo
Address: Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Estrada da Serra, 2300 TOMAR, Portugal
Tel:       +351 249328100                       Fax:
Sponsors: Prehistory Centre of the “Instituto Politécnico de Tomar” (Higher Education), Centro Europeu de Investigação da Pré-História do Alto Ribatejo (CEIPHAR – research unit), Arqueojovem (youth organisation), Câmara Municipal (town hall), Instituto Português de Arqueologia (National Institute for Archaeology), European Commission, FUNConservation, Lda (private company)
2.    Excavation site
Name: Anta II de Rego da Murta (Megalithic Complex)
Location: Alvaiázere
Period/Type: Neolithic and Chalcolithic / passage grave
Contact Tel.Nº: (00351) 967544224 /931134684
Email: alexfiga@ipt.pt
Date project started 1999
3.    Start/finish dates for this season
The campaign will begin on July 6 and it will finish on September 28.
4.    Type of work volunteers expected to carry out (eg excavation, survey, finds, post-excavation etc.)
The voluntaries can expect three things, which will occur at same time. The choice of participating in these tasks has relation with the experiences and tastes of with one.
1.     Uses new technologies in fieldwork to help the research and the understanding of sites through the producing of multimedia contents. These contents involve video, drawings, photography’s, geographic information system.
2.     The second path goes through survey. We pretend to understand how these monuments relate with others and with the pre-historic habitats. So in this level is our aim to do it a survey for an inventorying database.
3.     The thirst step of the project is the digging, where the most of them will participate.
5.    Minimum length of stay 2 weeks
6. Final date for application 15 of June.
7. Travel/access to site
It is located in Alvaiázere, Leiria, near to the road (N110) that links Tomar to Coimbra.
You can get there by three ways:
There are several trains at diferent speeds that link almost every major portuguese city to Tomar. For Timetables please see this page.
If you are comming by train you should arrive to Tomar on Sunday untill 19:00 o’clock. Transport will be arranged to Alvaiázere. For this contact the digging director
There is a Bus that links Tomar to Alvaiázere. Timetable will be provided soon.
There are also several Buses to Tomar, from Lisbon, Coimbra, Porto. For Timetables see this page
Access to Alvaiázere is reasonable by bus (not many shedule available).
By car, you can take the highway (A1) from Lisbon, then take the IP6 in Torres Novas exiting to Tomar and following the road (N110) that links Tomar to Coimbra.
The travel of Alvaiázere to and from the field are of the responsibility of the organization.
WAGES: The lodging, the lunch and travel of Alvaiázere to and from the field are of the responsibility of the organization, all of the spare expenses will be of the participant’s responsibility.
The lodging will be made at the sport pavilion, close to the swimming pools of Alvaiázere, in the center of the town. It will be necessary to the participant to bring sleeping bag and the whole hygiene material and personal that they find necessary.
The exit for the field is at 8.45 o’clock. The encounter will be at 20.00 o’clock, in Sundays, to the door of the swimming pools, close to the lodging place and they should leave on one Saturday.
Any alteration should be communicated to the directors of the excavation.
To the participants it is advised to bring, hygiene material (bath towels, solar protector, swim suite, etc.), personal canteen (in some periods of the year, above all in August, can be really hot), sleeping bag (the participants will only have available mattresses), clothes for excavation (for hot and cold, advisable old clothes), hat, field boots or shoes (above all comfortable) and all other usual material.
Publicado el dia 27 de enero de 2010.
Author: THT

Tras las huellas del tiempo

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